The Londonist Alphabet Game: Improbable Film Sequels

By M@ Last edited 135 months ago

Last Updated 03 February 2013

The Londonist Alphabet Game: Improbable Film Sequels

We asked our Facebook friends to suggest unlikely film sequels to be made in London, in the hope of getting at least one suggestion for each letter of the alphabet. Here are our 26 favourite suggestions. Check out the Facebook page for further nonsense.

A = Apollo 14: Euston, We Have a Problem (Teddy Holmes)

B = Biometric Passport to Pimlico (Stuart Cox)

C = Crouch End Tiger, Hendon Dragon (John Wilkes)

D = Down and Out in Primrose Hill (Jeane Trend-Hill)

E = The Elephant and Castle Man (Stuart Cox)

F = Forest Hill Gump (Richard Underwood)

G = Gangs of Delayed Heathrow Flight to New York (Craig Bauer Melson)

H = Hannah and her Seven Sisters (Stuart Cox)

I = Indiana Jones and the Last Tube (Richard Underwood)

J = Jackass: The Mayor (Londonist)

K = King's Cross Kong (Richard Underwood)

L = Lion King 2: Circle Line of Life (John Hodson)

M = Muppets in Downing Street (Andy Jeffery)

N = North by Northolt (Richard Morris)

O = O Southern Train, Where Art Thou? (Kayla Hillier)

P = Pirates of the Croydon: Drunk Man's Bare Chest (Kayla Hillier)

Q = A Quantum of Streatham (Andrew MacKinnon)

R = Run Lola, Run For Your Bus (Kayla Hillier)

S = Star Wars 80: Attack of the Sloanes (John Hodson)

T = The Taking of Fulham 123 (Stuart Cox)

U = Uxbridge on the River Kwai (Teddy Holmes)

V = Volcano 2: Absolutely No Threat To London (Londonist)

W = The Westbourne Ultimatum (John Hodson)

X = X-Files 2: Lewisham Hospital Vanishes (Londonist)

Y = You've Got Maida Vale (Sue Wilks)

Z = Zoolandaner (needs to be said with a cockney accent) (Dhanesh Bhabuta)

Feel free to suggest alternatives in the comments below, or else nominate a London-themed topic for next week's alphabetical fun.

Previously in the Londonist Alphabet Game