Book Swap Wins Ideas4Mayor Competition

By BethPH Last edited 149 months ago

Last Updated 13 December 2011

Book Swap Wins Ideas4Mayor Competition

Next year you could have the opportunity to swap your books at your tube station.

A few weeks ago we asked Londoners to Tweet their ideas for the capital to Ideas4Mayor, with the winning brainwave to be presented at the London Policy Conference.

Ideas ranged from spot checks to enforce minimum wage to calculating commuters' transport fares based on their weight but it turns out that reading matter matters more to us than anything else. The winner of the competition was Chris Gilson from the Book Swaps For London campaign with a scheme designed to make London the capital of reading and literacy. Mayor Boris Johnson was typically enthusiastic yet cautious over the practicalities:

'I think it's a very good idea and would say something powerful about the kind of city we are and our commitment to literacy, which obviously we are trying to demonstrate in lots of ways particularly with young people. All I can say that provided it doesn't cost a penny to the taxpayer... then we would be only too thrilled to take it up. I will see what we can do.'