Thorpe Park's New Water Ride Is 'Haunted'

By M@ Last edited 159 months ago

Last Updated 07 February 2011

Thorpe Park's New Water Ride Is 'Haunted'

An entirely credulous report in the Evening Standard suggests that a new attraction at Thorpe Park is haunted. A water ride at the Staines fun park has been shifted to a new location after its original foundations disturbed an old burial ground. Workers on the ride, we are told, 'started noticing ghostly sightings nearby, including what appeared to be a headless monk'.

Time to get more level-headed contractors in, we'd say. And a rational management team who don't waste money shifting a huge structure just to appease superstitious claptrap.

Or at least a PR department with a bit of imagination. The 'OMG our attraction is haunted...just weeks before it's due to open...whatever will we do?' card was played a few years ago by the London Bridge Experience. We challenged them, and spent a very merry night camping out among their (very real) skeletons and (made-up) ghosts. (Although some kind of gremlin has since erased some of the photos in that link.)

If Thorpe Park's PR team are reading — or anyone with 'haunted' property, for that matter — we'll be happy to stay overnight and film the experience. We ain't afraid of no ghost.

Image of a headed monk by Michael Wailes in the Londonist Flickr pool.