100 Days To Royal Wedding

By Lindsey Last edited 160 months ago

Last Updated 19 January 2011

100 Days To Royal Wedding

If you love a Royal Wedding, you'll love a landmark countdown too so shake out your bunting to mark 100 days to the Big Day.

The collectibles are coming - some are already here - and there's been advance faffing about our brand new bank holiday: will there be strikes or free passes? Neither probably. But with 100 days to go it's officially time to speculate about what Kate Middleton will wear and - um - well, every other detail really.

Frippery and logistics aside, MP Keith Vaz has used the impending nuptials to raise the issue of gender equality in the royal succession. The 1701 Act of Settlement is still in force, giving preference to male heirs over older female siblings. So, should the soon to be newlyweds have a female firstborn, she would be passed over in favour of any younger brother when it came to succeeding William on the throne. Which feels ridiculously out of step with a 21st century monarchy fronted by the seemingly très moderne Wills 'n' Kate.

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Pictured: Alternative Royal Wedding Plate from KK Outlet