Lunch Delivery Review: LunchBox

By tikichris Last edited 172 months ago

Last Updated 22 January 2010

Lunch Delivery Review: LunchBox

Photography by Chris Osburn

Iceberg lettuce. It has its culinary place, we suppose, but certainly not as the main ingredient of a Caesar salad … especially when there's no romaine lettuce, croutons or Parmesan included in that so called Caesar. Such a mislabelled bed of leafy greens was our introduction to the new lunch delivery biz, LunchBox. Based on a quick view of their website and press materials, our expectations weren't high when they contacted us about sampling their lunches. Nevertheless, we were underwhelmed.

It appeared that LunchBox spent much time and money on developing some snazzy logo-ed packaging and augmentation of its free delivery service (free phone consultation from a nutritionist, members only competitions, newsletters, etc) but didn't put much effort into ensuring the contents of their pretty boxes actually tasted good. Our “Caesar” salad was bland, while our hummus sandwich was on par with Tesco's sarnies. The packet of Pulp (processed fruit thingy) was fairly tasty. However, we weren't necessarily looking to “eat fruit the easy way.” Simply washing and peeling still works for us (and doesn't add up to much rubbish). We really didn't get their LunchBox credit system either (why would two credits equal one lunch?). Prices seemed inline with what you'd expect to pay for an average lunch in London - roughly £5 - but for the record, please note we concluded our lunch simply wasn't worth finishing. Something to drink would have been nice as well.

After last week's dabbling with Food Secret's delivered meals (which we roundly enjoyed), we have a good idea of how yummy a healthy lunch brought to our door can be. We're not sure who would find the value in LunchBox's … um … lunch boxes. If you're truly stuck in the office, genuinely concerned about healthful eating and just too busy to scout around for food, we reckon you're already clued in to a range of better options. “The LunchBox has landed!” proclaims the website. We wonder if it should have ever taken off?