Welcome to the latest episode of Londonist Out Loud, a podcast about London, as recommended by The Telegraph. We are now using Acast, meaning you can play the podcast from this page, by clicking the player above. You can also download the app on iTunes or the Android Store and listen to us on the go. Londonist Out Loud is still available on iTunes.
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Londonist Out Loud is presented and produced by N Quentin Woolf.
This week N Quentin Woolf is at Westminster Hall — the historic heart of the British parliament. He hears from Caroline Shenton, author of The Day Parliament Burnt Down, about the incredible moment in 1834 when the Houses of Parliament were destroyed by fire, leading to the building of the iconic Victorian gothic structures known worldwide. Westminster Hall itself was only saved by heroic firefighting efforts. If you want to know what we thought of Caroline's book when it was published — you can.
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