Our Free And Cheap Things To Do Listings Are Coming Back!

By Londonist Last edited 28 months ago

Last Updated 03 October 2022

Our Free And Cheap Things To Do Listings Are Coming Back!
people hold phones aloft to film marching soldiers down the mall
Plenty of free and cheap happenings in London all the time, such as Changing the Guard - you just need to know where to look. Image: Londonist

Looking for free and cheap things to do in London? We're bringing back our free and cheap listings this autumn β€” the best way to ensure you get your fix of thrifty London happenings.

This weekly guide will include:

πŸ–ΌοΈ Art and museum exhibitions that won't break the bank

🎀 Thrifty talks, lectures and screenings

🀣 Pay what you want comedy and theatre

🎡 Free and frugal gigs and concerts

🍣 Food and drink giveaways around town

πŸ‰ Cheap community sports fixtures

πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈ London walks to do under your own steam

😎 Looooooads more free and cheap excellence besides

Basically, this is how to get the most out of London without beeping your Visa on a card reader every two minutes. Less beep, more cheap.

Make sure you don't miss out on the best free and cheap events in London: subscribe to Londonist using the form at the top of the page: you'll receive our free and cheap listings β€” plus things to do across the week and weekend, and other exclusive deals and offers.