Theresa May: London's Unlikely Street Art Icon

By M@ Last edited 80 months ago

Last Updated 06 April 2018

Theresa May: London's Unlikely Street Art Icon
A gurning May on Whitecross Street by Oliver Switch. Image: Maureen Barlin, creative commons licence

Any Prime Minister can expect to become the target of mockery, parody and satirical anger. Theresa May is no exception. In fact, she's an inspiration. You don't have to wander far around London to chance across a wry stencil, or biting paste-up.

The Joker of Herne Hill by Artful Dodger. Image: jwslubbock, creative commons licence
Posters seen all over town
Mother Theresa on Shoreditch High Street
Giant Theresa in Camden Town. Image: duncan c, creative commons licence
Image: duncan c , creative commons licence.
Another Loretto piece, on the corner of Mortimer and Newman Streets.
More Shoretdich imagery

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