Unique Chance To Touch A Dinosaur*

By M@ Last edited 76 months ago

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Last Updated 05 September 2018

Unique Chance To Touch A Dinosaur*
Crystal Palace dinosaur free tour

Want to get up-close and personal with the Crystal Palace dinosaurs? On 16 September 2018 you can do just that thanks to tour guide Anthony Lewis.

The famous Victorian models sit on islands in Crystal Palace Park. Most visitors only get to see them across the water, and this is a rare chance to venture onto one of the prehistoric platforms. Here's the blurb:

"Learn what the Victorians got wrong — and right — and witness the incredible detail put into these 162-year-old sculptures from a whole new perspective, bringing the the birthplace of Dinomania to life. A conservator will also give insight on how the sculptures need our help to survive into the future. This will be a entertaining, theatrical and historically informative up-close-and-personal experience."

Crystal Palace dinosaur free tour

The event is part of Heritage Open Days and is organised by the Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs. Tours are free, but you must prebook here.

Londonist readers might remember Anthony Lewis from his incredible Lost Valley of London videos.

*They are not real dinosaurs. They are not even accurate likenesses of dinosaurs. Only a handful are meant to be dinosaurs and the rest suggest other types of extinct creature. You might not be allowed to actually touch them. The chance may not be unique, as vague plans exist to run the event again. Other than this, the headline is entirely accurate.