What's Open In London On Christmas Day?

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Last Updated 02 January 2025

What's Open In London On Christmas Day?
Christmas Day in London: The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree illuminated at dusk
Trafalgar Square Christmas tree (photo not taken on Christmas Day). Image: Shutterstock

Contrary to popular belief — and the scenes depicted in these photos and these ones — there's a lot going on in London on Christmas Day. We've already written a guide to things to do in London on Christmas Day. Here are some of the venues that open in the capital on 25 December, although check opening hours, as they most likely differ from normal. Just bear in mind that there's no public transport.

Museums and tourist attractions open in London on Christmas Day 2024

Slim pickings here, as all the big museums and galleries understandably shut on 25 December — for many, it's the only day of the year they close. In previous years Ripley's (later Body Worlds) in Piccadilly Circus opened, but those attractions have shut down for good now.

JW3 Jewish Centre in North Finchley does open on 25 December each year (expect when it falls on a Saturday). It's home to the only ice rink in London which opens on Christmas Day.

Swimming is an option in some parts of town, with these swimming pools and lidos offering Christmas Day dips, with the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds, south London's lidos, and perhaps most famously, Hampton Pool opening on Christmas Day.

Restaurants open in London on Christmas Day 2024

The lanterns and arches of Chinatown
Chinatown offers alternative Christmas lunch options. Image: Shutterstock

If you want a full-on Christmas meal out in London, you'll have to get booking, as you'll struggle to find anywhere that takes Christmas Day walk-ins. High-end restaurants and hotel restaurants are your best bet — here are some we know of which open for lunch or dinner on Christmas Day.

Traditionally, many Chinese restaurants in Chinatown open on Christmas Day, if you fancy an alternative to turkey. It's mainly a case of just turning up and seeing what's open, although if you've got a favourite, it's worth ringing in advance to check Christmas opening hours. Similarly lots of Kosher restaurants dotted around (particularly) north London are open too, but it's best to check ahead.

If you haven't booked and you're getting peckish, your best bet is to head into one of London's larger hotels, as the kitchens should be open to feed guests staying there — though don't bank on getting in without a reservation at these, either.

Cafes open in London on Christmas Day 2024

A Pret Coffee sign
You'll struggle to find many coffee shops open in London on 25 December. Image: Shutterstock

Usually, certain branches of Pret A Manger open on 25 December, although they can be coy about revealing which ones.

Pubs and bars open in London on Christmas Day 2024

It's mainly the chain pubs you'll find open on 25 December — Young's, Greene King and Wetherspoons are good bets. Nicholson's even serves Christmas dinner. Listed here are the pubs that usually open on Christmas Day (and their opening hours that day, where known), though do check before you set off. Again, food will probably need to be booked in advance, or may not be available at all, so best line your stomach before heading out for a festive pint.

Toilets open in London on Christmas Day

Westminster Bridge looking towards the Houses of Parliament, with just a couple of pedestrians and no vehicles.
Not often you see London this deserted. Image: Shutterstock

If department stores, train stations, coffee shops and museums are your usual go-tos for bathroom breaks, you may struggle to find somewhere today. Duck into one of the pubs above for a pint and to use the bathroom, or else, head into a hotel — most of the larger ones will have bathrooms tucked away somewhere near the lobby. A bit cheeky, but when you've got to go, you've got to go.