Welcome to the latest episode of Londonist Out Loud, a podcast about London.
Have you been paying attention to our podcast episodes? Here's your chance to prove it. This episode is a quiz, based on facts which feature in three London-centric books;
- Curiocity by Henry Eliot and Matt Lloyd-Rose
- The London Book Of Lists by Tim Jepson and Larry Porges
- Everything You Know About London Is Wrong by Londonist's own Matt Brown.
From tube stations to Tower of London escapees, we're testing you on the facts presented in these books. Grab a pen and paper, and your most competitive friends and have a go. Let us know how you get on.
Please do let us know your thoughts via Twitter @londonistsound and @londonist or in the comments.
Londonist Out Loud is presented and produced by N Quentin Woolf.
Featured image by Matt Brown.