London's Clock Towers: A Miscellany

By M@

Last Updated 13 May 2024

London's Clock Towers: A Miscellany
A collage of clock towers from around London
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Yes, London is home to the world's most famous one. But other clock towers are available. We've rounded up more than 50 examples from all over London, from mighty town hall timepieces, to those local 'village green' clock towers you find all over the suburbs, to a funny old thing we found in Ickenham.

It's not comprehensive, of course, merely what we could squeeze onto an A3-sized sheet. For this graphic, we've only included clocks up towers or on large poles (hence, wonders like the Fortnum & Mason clock are absent), and we've also left off church tower clocks because... well, that would be overwhelming.

It's a horological smorgasbord!