Frieze Sculpture 2023: Regent's Park Turns Into A Free Outdoor Art Gallery This Autumn

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 14 months ago

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Last Updated 08 December 2023

Frieze Sculpture 2023: Regent's Park Turns Into A Free Outdoor Art Gallery This Autumn
A Cheshire Cat smile in a tree
Kids are going to love this. Cheshire (Janus) , 2023 Courtesy of Marianne Boesky Gallery and MASSIMODECARLO.

A corner of Regent's Park yet again becomes a temporary sculpture park, for Frieze Sculpture 2023.

Serving as a kind of free amuse bouche for Frieze London (which takes place in October), Frieze Sculpture — running from 20 September-29 October — sees work by 21 international sculptors dotted around the English Gardens of Regent's Park, in a display curated by artist Fatoş Üstek.

A beautiful looking acrylic cactus
Hopefully not as prickly as it looks. Suhasini Kejriwal's Garden of Un-Earthly Delights. Courtesy of Suhasini Kejriwal and Nature Morte Gallery. Photo by Vivienne Sarky

Among those that've caught our eye include Suhasini Kejriwal's Garden of Un-Earthly Delights — a pretty looking fibreglass 'cactus', which is undoubtedly going to attract the wandering fingers of young visitors; Sanford Biggers' playful 'Cheshire' (a broad nod towards Alice in Wonderland); Gülsün Karamustafa's Monument for the 21st Century — a stack of MDF acrobats balanced on top of one another; and Tony Matelli's frankly terrifying painted bronze statue of a sleepwalker (we can certainly envisage the kids running the hell away from THAT particular one).

A stack of MDF igures all balanced on top of one another
Gülsün Karamustafa's Monument for the 21st Century, 2016. Rendered image by Barış Öktem Courtesy of the artist and BüroSarıgedik

Judging by the preview pics, this is one of the most fun looking Frieze Sculptures in recent years — and seeing as it doesn't cost a thing to visit, is most certainly worth a short detour if you're around central London.

A realistic sculpture of a sleeping man in his pants
Not at all disturbing. Tony Matelli's Sleepwalker, 2014. Courtesy of the artist and Maruani Mercier

In other sculpture news, you've got until 27 October to track down the 30 painted giraffes scattered around central Croydon.

Frieze Sculpture, Regent's Park (the English Gardens, in the south east corner of the park), 20 September-29 October 2023, free