Huge Anti-Brexit Rally To Be Held In Trafalgar Square

By M@ Last edited 104 months ago

Looks like this article is a bit old. Be aware that information may have changed since it was published.

Last Updated 28 June 2016

Huge Anti-Brexit Rally To Be Held In Trafalgar Square

EDIT 28 June, 9am:
This rally has been cancelled after the numbers got too large.
Another Anti-Brexit March is now planned for 9 July.

EDIT 28 June, 3pm:
We've received details of a new protest, taking place at Trafalgar Square tonight, Tuesday 28 June, between 5pm and 9pm

Thousands of disgruntled Remain supporters will gather in Trafalgar Square tomorrow night for a rally. With over a day to go, 51,000 people have clicked Facebook's 'attending' button for the independently organised #LondonStays event. A further 87,000 others have registered interest. It's likely to be the biggest mass gathering in the square for years.

The organisers are keen to point out that this is not about opposition or division, but a call to continue public engagement, encourage positivity and help shape a better future. Nowhere is the word 'protest' used:

"It would have been easy for this event to advocate one particular petition or action, but we believe it’s too early for anyone to say what that action should be. Equally, we feel that the genuine Leave vote needs to be respectfully listened to, understood, and engaged with. Division got us into this, and it probably won’t help get us out of it.

"To sum up, this event in Trafalgar Square will be an opportunity to come together, make your feelings heard, begin to build consensus, and hopefully, turn the emotion of the referendum result into positive action."

The event takes place on 28 June in Trafalgar Square, 5pm-9pm. It is part of a series of nationwide events using the name Stand Together.