Designer Creates Map Of TV Shows Set In London

By Londonist Staff Last edited 100 months ago

Last Updated 26 October 2016

Designer Creates Map Of TV Shows Set In London

Ever wanted to know where your favourite TV show is set or filmed? In early 2016, graphic designer Tim Ritz put together a map pinpointing the locations of popular shows like Call the Midwife, Sherlock, Peep Show and Green Wing — and it's rather lovely.

As you can see from the bit of Broadchurch that's creeping into London (the capital's detail is shown in an inset), Tim's done the whole country. If you're less London-centric than us and want to explore the whole thing, you should head over to Tim's website. Or buy a print to hang on your wall.

Tim's work reminded us of a project we did a few years ago, of mapping where radio and TV comedy shows were set in London. That map is below; you can read how we came up with it over here.