Londonist StaffPhotos Of Londoners Just As They Are
Street photographer Jon Paul Ladd has been capturing pictures of the city for years. And we really like the way he manages to photograph people's human qualities, and character.
"These images are made from off the cuff shots and the subject's state is unrehearsed," he says.
"Where they are and how they tie into their surroundings, what they're wearing, who they're with and what they're doing at the time are all authentic indicators to who that person might be.
"I suppose then subconsciously we fill in the gaps, become emotionally involved and in sympathy with the subject."
A laundrette in Fitzrovia. A gentleman reads whilst he awaits the end of his cycle. “I would have put on some better clothes if I'd have known" he said after agreeing to pose.
"I passed this guy walking his dog through Newington Green. He looked to me like someone who could tell a story or two. I turned back and asked if he wouldn’t mind posing for a few shots. He happily obliged."A coffee break in Knightsbridge. "This lady caught my eye. She seemed to fit her surroundings. A lady with a lot of style and class but her pose offers a subtle vulnerability.""I met this guy on Charing Cross Road. He rides a rickshaw around the West End. He asked me if I would like a free lift to where ever it was I was going. Unfortunately, that was only round the corner but he said that if I ever saw him again, I could claim a free ride. I’m still keeping my eyes peeled.""I walk past this guy a lot. He can be regularly seen smoking his pipe at the old entrance to Euston Station. I assume that he distributes The Evening Standard from a nearby plot.""The 2015 End Austerity Now march climaxed in Parliament Square, where I met this guy. He was very unstable on his feet and I took this shot just at the point he reached into his pocket for his sunglasses. He assumed it would make for a better shot but I preferred this frame."