This is a sponsored article on behalf of Millfield Arts Centre. Oh no it isn't! Oh yes it is!

If you love a good panto — oh yes you do! — then head to the Millfield Theatre to see Cinderella, the fairest pantomime of them all.
This award-winning show from writer and director Marc Day ticks every one of the Great British panto boxes: outrageous costumes, a little light cross-dressing and a whole lot of fairy dust. Enjoy the rags-to-riches fairy tale that never gets old done in serious style with stunning sets and gorgeous garments (and some mice and pumpkins too, of course).
Old favourite Scott Jones returns as the handsome Prince Charming while Alex Fairley is a little less ravishing as one of the two Ugly Sisters.
Whatever your age, this is proper fun for all the family. Book now or even your Fairy Godmother won't be able to magic you tickets this Christmas — several dates are already sold out.