Too often, we look down. Down at our feet, down at our phones, down at the pavement. But London is a great place in which to look up.
In this series, we’re celebrating the glorious ceilings and rooftops of London buildings as well as giving you the chance to test your London brains and see how many you can identify. Each week we’ll present a gallery and share last week’s answers. We started you off gently last time, but this week we're upping the ante with some seriously speculative ceilings.
Below are the answers to last week's photos (in white text — highlight to view). Or, if you haven't seen the gallery yet, click through and have a go yourself first.
1. St Paul's Cathedral
2. British Museum
3. Prudential Building
4. Cupola Room, Kensington Palace
5. Natural History Museum
6. Royal Courts of Justice
How many did you get right from last week? Feel free to brag in the comments, as well as giving this week's ceilings above your best shot.
Thanks, as ever, to our wonderful Flickrpool contributors for their captures. This week, credit goes to: Maynard Case, shadow_in_the_water, Torsten Reimer, Matt Brown and Richardr.