Too often, we look down. Down at our feet, down at our phones, down at the pavement. But London is a great place in which to look up.
In this series, we're celebrating the glorious ceilings and rooftops of London buildings as well as giving you the chance to test your London brains and see how many you can identify. Hopefully we’ll encourage some more people to cast their eyes upwards and appreciate the sheer artistry of so many of the city's roofs. Each week we’ll present a gallery and share last week’s answers.
As this is the first week, there are no answers, just a selection of beautiful ceilings for you to identify. We’re starting off quite gently, but we have some seriously flummox-worthy snaps up our sleeve, so consider this a warm-up.
Thanks, as ever, to our wonderful Flickrpool contributors for their captures. This week, credit goes to: Mark Etienne, Guy Tyler, Lee Jackson, Matt Brown, joephoto uk and D A Scott.