Unicorns In Brick Lane

By Ioanna Karavela Last edited 117 months ago

Last Updated 15 May 2015

Unicorns In Brick Lane

"Cool Unicorn Bruv" // Short film from Ninian Doff on Vimeo.

If you didn’t already believe that the East End was a magical place, check out today’s London Short by Ninian Doff.

Cool Unicorn Bruv is a funny, off-the-cuff short film made possible by someone actually letting the director borrow a horned horse for the day. A marketing company Doff had worked with before were doing a photoshoot in Brick Lane and said that if he could come up with an idea for a film he could make in an afternoon, they’d lend him their unicorn (the animal is their logo). Doff had no time or budget but thought it was too rare an opportunity to let pass by so scribbled down a quick idea for a script the same night he got the call.

The resulting film has proved popular in festivals, more so than some of his other work which had proper finance and months of work. Interestingly, Doff feels now on reflection that the limitations only helped.

The actual story came from thinking about his neighbours who'd spend days modifying mopeds then competing to see who has the fastest one or loudest motor. For the film he switched to bikes because when he first came to London he needed one and was sent to Brick Lane as the place to go for them.

Doff says of London: “The energy on the streets is so alive and energetic and sexy. When I first moved here, I palpably sensed everyone was trying to do something. So even now after all these years being here I try to remember that and not let the rush hour tube get me down.”

Thanks to our friends at Shorts On Tap who introduced us to Doff and his work.

Want to be featured? If you have a London-themed short film that you’d like us to consider for this series, send an email with the subject “London Shorts” to Stu Black and Ioanna Karavela via our email: [email protected]

To see other London Shorts click here.