North London Suburbia Celebrated In Here Film Festival

By Lindsey Last edited 118 months ago

Last Updated 11 April 2015

North London Suburbia Celebrated In Here Film Festival

Still from No Birds Sing by Harriet Macdonald

You don't have to go into town or to a secret location for interesting film experiences in non-cinema venues. Talkies Community Cinema is a not for profit, volunteer led, touring cinema that has established itself in north London around Palmers Green, Southgate and Enfield as a sure-fire sell-out event and now it's running a proudly suburban film festival.

Here includes feature films that are mainly small, independent British productions that have some connection with the area and draw on local talent and themes. Four new short films that were commissioned for the festival will get their premieres in May. The night is sold out but watch this trailer — we hope to bring you the full films at a later date.

Talkies events are always more than just screenings, with appropriate music, food and drink and sometimes fancy dress. They take place in pubs, tea shops and community centres with a £5 ticket price. They're truly social events where everyone is welcome.

Here is already underway and some events are already sold out. We draw your particular attention to an election eve screening of Julien Temple's London: The Modern Babylon at the Fox on 6 May and 1,000 Londoners at Baskerville's Tea Shop on 15 May, both in Palmers Green and walking distance from the station.

Here Film Festival runs until 15 May at various venues. Find out more about Talkies at