London Gift Guide: London Lip Balms

By Londonist Staff Last edited 122 months ago

Last Updated 05 December 2014

London Gift Guide: London Lip Balms

London-inspired gifts for everyone.


You better not pout? Nonsense — while looking for London-y gifts on The National Gallery shop website, we found this lip-smacking stocking filler. It's a set of three creamy lip balms featuring famous figures: a guardsman, beefeater and London bobby.

The London lip balm set costs £4.50, you can buy it online or directly at the Gallery shop.

Browse previous suggestions and see what we recommended last year.

Items in our London gift guide are handpicked by our editorial team. If there’s a London-y product you want to advertise to the Londonist audience please get in touch with our advertising team: [email protected]