London Gift Guide: Charles Dickens Magnets

By Londonist Staff Last edited 122 months ago

Last Updated 17 December 2014

London Gift Guide: Charles Dickens Magnets

London-inspired gifts for everyone.


Although Charles Dickens' novels and short stories were written during the Victorian times, they are still popular and loved by the public. Our gift suggestion today comes from the shop of the Charles Dickens Museum close to Russell Square.

We think these magnets make a perfect stocking filler: you can find three different types of magnets in the museum shop. The first one features one of the author's famous quotes, the second reproduces the 'Dickens Dream' watercolour while the third lists Dickens' novels.

Magnets cost £3 each and are available both online and at the museum shop.

Browse previous suggestions and see what we recommended last year.

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