London-Specific Comedy From Andrew Maxwell

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 115 months ago

Last Updated 23 October 2014

London-Specific Comedy From Andrew Maxwell


Comedian Andrew Maxwell is putting on a paean to London over the next few weeks with a show marking 20 years of his living in the capital, full of anecdotes and social commentary, plus special guests to add something a bit different.

Earlier in the year this London Loves show did a tiny tour of London's compass points, but this time it will be resident at the Comedy Cafe Theatre in Shoreditch. There's something intriguing about the idea of hyper-local comedy, a set that, as the Guardian's Brian Logan pointed out, is tailored to our own knowledge and in-jokes. Even more tailored if, like Maxwell, you're one of the many who moved here as a grown-up and had to make that big-city adjustment with occasional bouts of wondering 'but how the hell does everyone else think that's normal?'.

So while the premise is pretty special for Londoners, the guests are more so. Unlike a usual comedy set where you'd maybe expect a support act, the guests announced so far are people who know their stuff and have something to say. If you're at all interested in London's housing market and problems with inequality, we recommend you book now for 11 November and see Oxford professor Danny Dorling who, along with being one of the nicest men in academia, will tell you exactly where we've been going wrong. The following week it's the turn of Robert Elms, whose BBC Radio London show squashes everything we love about the city into three hours. Then we get a proper comedian with Mark Steel, but one with a column in the Independent so expect views. The fourth and and final guest hasn't been announced yet, but you get the idea.

Andrew Maxwell's London Loves is on at the Comedy Cafe Theatre, 68 Rivington Street, Shoreditch, on 11, 18, 25 November and 2 December. Tickets £13.75 including fees.