Week In Geek: 28 January-3 February 2013

By M@ Last edited 143 months ago

Last Updated 28 January 2013

Week In Geek: 28 January-3 February 2013

London events for people with curious minds.

Monday 28 January

GENETICS: A Cafe Scientifique event at the Royal Society explores all things genetic, looking at recent developments. Free, just turn up, 6pm

Tuesday 29 January

DATA: The Mayor's former transport advisor Kulveer Ranger speaks at Imperial College about the use of data in managing a city. Free, prebook, 6pm

EPIGENETICS: Find out how the environment and genes interact at the molecular level in a Cosy Science talk about epigenetics from Nessa Carey at The Cittie Of Yorke pub. Free, just turn up, 7pm

SCIENCE EDUCATION: Is a scientifically literate public possible...or even desirable? And what do 'science' and 'public' mean in this context? Alice Bell speaks at the Big Ideas debate upstairs at The Wheatsheaf in Fitzrovia. Free, just turn up, 8pm

Wednesday 30 January

VISION: William Ayliffe wonders whether visual defects have an impact on how artists depict the world. He shares his own vision at a Museum of London-hosted Gresham talk. Free, just turn up, 6pm

TUBE: Andrew Martin is at Guildhall Library to talk about his recent book Underground, Overground. £8, prebook, 6pm

ZOMBIES!: This month's Science Museum Late opening is all about zombies. It's a populist hook to get people learning about brains and consciousness, but you can also train up as a zombie and have fun pretending to eat brains. Free, just turn up, 6.45-10pm

MEDICINE: Margaret McCartney weighs up the pros and cons of screening millions of people for diseases the vast majority of them don't have, and other modern medical matters. It's this month's London Skeptics in the Pub meetup, and it's at The Monarch in Camden Town. £3, just turn up, 7.30pm

Thursday 31 January

TECHNOLOGY: UCL's lunchtime lecture looks at how digital works of art are being displayed in museums and galleries. Free, just turn up, 1.15pm

INNER SPACE: Neil Shubin speaks at the Royal Institution about how the origins of our universe and solar system are reflected within our bodies. Interesting stuff. £10, prebook, 7pm

POSITIVE: Want to make the world a bit better? The audience can choose a project to win £2000 to do just that! Come to UCL's Focus on the Positive event. £5, prebook or just turn up, 7.30pm

Friday 1 January

A GOOD DEATH: Is it possible to die well? A bunch of historians get together for the weirdest public symposium you might ever attend. What Makes A Good Death runs at Wellcome Collection and continues tomorrow. £30, prebook, 7pm

FILM: A university medical department isn't your typical location for a film screening, but tonight you can catch the premiere of Do You Really Want To Know? at UCL's Department of Neurology in Queen Square. The film tackles issues behind tests for the neurodegenerative Huntington's Disease. £10 (suggested donation), prebook or turnup, 7pm

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments, or tip us off about future events by emailing [email protected]