It could be said that the delivery of these Olympics has been characterised by sleight of hand, photo manipulation and digital trickery. Remember the Back the Bid campaign, which featured embiggened athletes dicking about on London landmarks? The notion of manipulating reality was brought to a triumphant crescendo through Danny Boyle's Opening Ceremony, which saw Mr Bean embedded in footage from Chariots of Fire and the Queen parachuting from a helicopter.
Keen amateurs have also been at it, using software such as Photoshop to twist the key events from the XXXth Olympiad into something a little more hilarious. We all remember the lewd versions of the London 2012 logo. In some cases, such as the saga of Boris dangling from a zip wire, whole web sites have sprung up to solicit photoshoppery. Our gallery above picks out some of the best from around the web.