Tuesday: Portico Quartet play an in-store gig at Rough Trade East from 7pm (free - get a wristband).
Wednesday: David Lammy MP tells 'a tale of Tottenham' at the LSE public lecture from 6.30pm (free, first come first served).
Watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy at Roxy Bar and Screen at 8pm (£3).
Thursday: The Student Film Festival starts today until Sunday at London College of Communication (screenings £5 or under, festival pass also available £15/20).
Friday: Enjoy a lunchtime winter concert at St Andrew, Holborn with City of London Sinfonia and Laura Samuel at 1.05pm (free).
Head to Walworth for an evening of serendipity and calm, featuring Vanessa Woolf-Hoyle and Nigel of Bermondsey at the Cuming Museum between 6-8pm - part of National Storytelling Week (free).
Saturday: Inmidtown lead Dickens walks around Holborn at 11am, 2pm and on Sunday at 11am (free).
Sunday: Little Bookniks brings Jewish Book Week to the little ones at the Jewish Museum between 10am-4.30pm with storytelling, puppets, poems, play, workshops and more (free to £5).
Rich Mix hosts kid-friendly Chinese New Year celebrations from 11.30am-4.30pm (free)
My Happy Valentine is a special choral concert in Kingston performed by The Rose Plus Choir - rehearsed in one day only at the Rose Theatre (£4).
Browse our map of free things to do in London.
Photo of Dragon weaving the streets in London's Chinatown this Sunday by Vicky Flores (Wapping) via the Londonist Flickrpool.