We recently chaired a panel discussion about the many and varied uses of London maps – from aids to navigation, to works of art. London Maps: The Magical, The Methodical and the Multifaceted was held on 19 November 2011 at Air Gallery, in support of The Art of Mapping exhibition arranged by TAG Fine Arts.
Chaired by Londonist's Matt Brown, the evening featured three speakers:
- Stephen Walter, the acclaimed artist famous for his detailed hand-drawn maps of London
- John Kennedy, London taxi driver and chronicler of London’s minutiae
- James Cheshire, digital mapper and Lecturer in Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL
You can listen to the whole event via the Soundcloud embed below. James' talk on mapping data involved plenty of impressive visualisations, which are compiled together here (highly recommended) so you can watch and listen at the same time. Stephen's map The Island can be found here.
Londonist and TAG Fine Arts - The Art Of Mapping Talk by Londonist
The event formed part of the ongoing London Mapping Festival.