Preview: Office Party @ Pleasance

By Lindsey Last edited 160 months ago

Last Updated 07 October 2011

Preview: Office Party @ Pleasance

Autumn may only just be kicking in but as the nights draw in one's thoughts turn to end of year knees-ups and, specifically, how awful, enjoyable or instantly/drunkenly forgettable this year's office party might be.

If you've not already booked that table at the local pizza place or pub, consider doing something different this year. Actually, even if you have - do this as well: go to Office Party - a show that's a party.

More accurately, it is an 'immersive theatre experience', simultaneously a parody and actual party. Legendary cabaret artists Ursula Martinez (La Clique, La Soirée) and Christopher Green (Tina C, Ida Barr) created Office Party out of their own experiences as entertainment at corporate dos. Their observations are acute, skewering stereotypes and reappropriating office mores and politics for a unique interactive entertainment experience.

On which, don't be put off by the idea of participating. No one gets picked on or singled out (unless they want to). Team Londonist went to the first incarnation of Office Party back in 2007 - read about our fun here (no spoilers) - and we plan to go again. You'll not find a more original, hilarious, team consolidating (and possibly dividing) night of entertainment.

This might be the most talked about office party ever - but remember, what happens in Office Party stays in Office Party.

Office Party will be taking place in a site specific office block adjacent to Pleasance Theatre. Look out for Product Solutions Head Office, North Road, Islington, N7 9EF. It's in preview now, with official opening on 13 October and runs through till 21 January 2012. Tickets from £20, with special deals for groups and an extra special New Year's Eve party. Check the website for more.