Week In Geek: 26 September-2 October 2011

By M@ Last edited 152 months ago

Last Updated 26 September 2011

Week In Geek: 26 September-2 October 2011

Events for Londoners with curious minds.

Monday 26 September
SCI-FI: Learn more about Doctor Who Weekly magazine, still going (as Doctor Who Magazine) after 32 years. Founding editor Dez Skinn materialises at the Cartoon Museum. £6, 6.30pm

BOOKS: The Science Fiction Book Club tackles Ubik by Philip K Dick (location revealed when you sign up, or just use your psi powers to work it out). £2, 7pm

Tuesday 27 September
BOOKS: Did you know that London has a book club devoted to tales of the apocalypse? Find out just what a cheery bunch they are by heading to the Coal Hole's charming and little-known basement bar tonight, where they'll be discussing Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank. FREE, 7pm

CRAFT: The ever brilliant Bright Club sojourns to the V&A's Sackler Centre for an evening devoted to all things 'craft'. Academics and comedians share the stage. £9/£6, 6.30pm

Wednesday 28 September
LATES: The Science Museum once again throws open its doors to adults only, until 10pm. Expect the music to play, the wine to flow and the science to...do whatever active verb that science likes to do. FREE, from 6.45pm

GAMING: The Science Museum's Lates evening also sees the start of the Player live gaming festival. Now this sounds a bit special. The usually staid Shipping Gallery stages a giant game of Battleships. Characters from Quake 2 materialise in real space. Plus smartphone scavenger hunts, interactive spotlights, and much more. FREE, until 2 October

MEDICINE: Ever since Jenner first pioneered vaccines there have been those who would question the safety of the procedure. Gareth Williams begins a series of Gresham College lectures about the reasons for public mistrust of vaccines over the past two centuries. FREE, 6pm

Thursday 29 September
SCI-FI: More Doctor Who. This time, the screening of a documentary that draws parallels between Tomb of the Cybermen (Troughton era) and the actual, real-life, non-fictional discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. This, at the Darwin Lecture Theatre, UCL. We previewed it here. FREE, 6.30pm

CONSPIRACIES: Our friends at the London Fortean Society hold their first meeting, to talk about the psychology behind conspiracy theories. All evidence points to the event taking place upstairs at The Bell in Spitalfields. £3, 7.30pm

ARCHITECTURE: Can architects learn from nature? A talk at the RSA will examine biomimicry, a phrase that's gaining such traction that even our spellchecker seems to permit it. FREE, 1pm

BOOKS: Londonist favourite Christopher Fowler is at Forbidden Planet Megastore on Shaftesbury Avenue to sign copies of his latest Bryant and May story, Memory of Blood. FREE, 6pm

Friday 30 September
GEEKY FLIRT: It's end-of-the-month late opening at the Natural History Museum once again. But there's more this month than a random peregrination among the lizard bones. The museum will host a special masterclass on the science of flirting (why was this not in GCSE chemistry?). Learn the secrets of body language and the courting rituals of animals, explore the power of scent, and attempt some scientifically bolstered chat-up lines with fellow visitors. FREE (late opening), £30 (flirting masterclass), from 6pm

MORE GAMING: Any fans of Batman: Arkham Asylum in the house? There's a Q+A with developers of the game's sequel, Batman: Arkham City, at BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly tonight. £5, 8.45pm

YET MORE GAMING: The Dana Centre holds an all-day workshop and 'Games Jam' to get you started as a games designer. Part of the Science Museum's Player Festival. £5, 10am-6pm

Saturday 1 October
SCI-ARTS: The  Royal Society dons its festival rags again for a weekend of science-meets-arts under the umbrella of One Culture. In the scientific corner, hear from such notables as RS boss Sir Paul Nurse and maths wizards Ian Stewart and Marcus Du Sautoy; on the literary and artistic side, we meet versatile historian Jenny Uglow, hairy novelist Sebastian Faulks and London writer China Miéville. £4 per event

GEEKS WITH KIDS: Take your diddy ones to the Royal Institution for a hands-on family fun day exploring hot and cold things. £10/£5, drop in any time 11am-4pm

TRANSHUMANISM: Wanna turn yourself into a machine and take over the world? Of course you do. That's why you should go and meet the London Futurists group, who assemble in the Penderel's Oak (Holborn) today. FREE, noon

TV AND FILM: Earl's Court plays host to just about anyone you've ever seen in a sci-fi show this weekend, for The Entertainment Media Show. Stars include Diana Rigg, John Hurt, David Tennant, Paul McGann and a constellation of other notables. Prices vary, from 9am

Sunday 2 October
SCI-ARTS: The Royal Society's One Culture festival continues.

ENGINEERING: The Kirkaldy Testing Museum, on Southwark Street, has one of it's regular open days. FREE, 11am-3pm

Did we miss anything? Want to tip us off about an upcoming event? Email [email protected] with more details.