Google Maps Builds Waterloo And City Line Extension

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 163 months ago

Last Updated 29 July 2011

Google Maps Builds Waterloo And City Line Extension

Yesterday we told you there's now public transport information in Google Maps. Unfortunately it looks like there are still one or two gremlins to be ironed out. Like, for example, its insistence that you can get from Southall to the Bank of England using the Waterloo and City Line.

(To be almost fair, the directions tell you to walk to Waterloo first. Though it does reckon that leg of the journey will take 7 minutes. Who does it think we are, Usain Bolt?)

This wonderful cock-up joins the ranks of the other Google Maps oddnesses we've spotted over the years, like the mysterious true location of the Adelphi Theatre actually being under water.

Thanks go, inevitably, to Twitter for pointing this out.