Hand-Drawn Maps To Show At Museum Of London

By M@ Last edited 170 months ago

Last Updated 17 August 2010

Hand-Drawn Maps To Show At Museum Of London


We're delighted to announce an upcoming collaboration with the newly renovated Museum of London. A Big Draw event on Sunday 10 October will ask visitors to contribute to a large-scale map of London, and plot out what the city might look like in the future. As part of the event, many of the wonderful hand-drawn maps we've published on Londonist will be projected onto a screen in the background. So if you've been toying with the idea of sending us your own hand-drawn map, now would be a good time. Maps can be of your local area or the whole of London. They need not be works of beauty - it's the ideas that count. Perhaps you'd even like to try drawing 'future London' to fit in with the Museum's theme. Take a look through the archive, then send your own handiwork to [email protected]. A huge thank you to everyone who's contributed so far.