Farce In Court As GLA Tries To Clear Democracy Village

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 167 months ago

Last Updated 04 June 2010

Farce In Court As GLA Tries To Clear Democracy Village

You know how Boris wants to clear out the Democracy Village from Parliament Square? Well, it's going to take longer than he thought... the GLA hoped to get a verdict of trespass in a couple of hours at the High Court, but a protest and a new crowd of people wanting to be added as defendants (giving them the right to speak in court) means it's going to take some time. They're also having to deal with two separate camps - Brian Haw's having nothing to do with the Democracy Village and it might take two hearings to deal with them all.

This is a farce, surely? (Though we did love the bit where the Standard reports the judge recognising his local Big Issue seller in the throng.) It'd be interesting to see the cost breakdown of policing the camp versus what could be dragged-out legal proceedings. Equally interesting, perhaps, is the thought that the Democracy Village protesters might prove to be the thing that finally allows the authorities to move Brian Haw on.