Comedy Review: Laura Solon @ BAC, Clapham

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 179 months ago

Last Updated 27 February 2010

Comedy Review: Laura Solon @ BAC, Clapham

Laura_Solon2.jpg After disappointment earlier in the week at the N20 Comedy Festival, it's with a glad voice we give thanks for Laura Solon's Rabbit Faced Story Soup. The story of one young woman's journey through the fraught world of publishing, accompanied only by a stuffed white rabbit called Ian, it's the kind of character stand-up that not only has you weeping with laughter but also a little bit awestruck at Solon's self-assuredness and abilities.

Her show is populated by all manner of personalities (some of whom will be familiar to listeners of her radio show), the best of which is Marci, über-bitch literary agent with an arsenal of acerbic put-downs, closely followed by a pair of Parisians who take pretentiousness to new heights. Bad literature and 'Russian' oligarchs join the French as subjects for Solon's gentle skewering, presented with a fabulous knack for the unexpected word (we will be spending the next two weeks attempting to work "shit-fit" into every conversation we hold) and a sharp eye for the ridiculous which her occasionally squeaky voice belies.

The N20 Festival ends tonight with Phil Kay and the sold-out Gavin Osborn (you never know, there might be returns, but don't go down to Clapham saying Londonist sent you), and you've got a few more chances to catch Laura Solon around town over the next couple of months. You should. You really should.

N20 Comedy Festival at the Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, SW11 / Laura Solon is at the 606 Club, Chelsea, on 3rd March; Firestation Arts Centrem Windsor, on 6th March; Leicester Square Theatre on 7th March; Watermans Theatre, Brentford, on 6th June.