Church Told To Shush In Walthamstow

By Hazel Last edited 174 months ago

Last Updated 08 October 2009

Church Told To Shush In Walthamstow

QuietPlease.jpg The Immanuel International Christian Centre in Waltamstow PRAISE THE LORD! are under orders to turn the sound down during Sunday services, having received a complaint from a resident living nearby PRAISE HIM! Now limited to only 20 minutes of music between 11.30am and 11.50am, the congregation has reportedly dwindled from 100 to a mere 30 due to the hushed services the church gives under the restriction MERCY!

Baha Uddin made the complaint, saying he is disturbed by the ‘amplified music, drums and loud sermons’, driving him out of his garden and upsetting his one year old daughter TESTIFY! However, other neighbours do not support his complaint and this may have led to the miscommunicated belief among the church’s congregation that this was a complaint against Christian worship from a Muslim man LORD, SAVE US!

Waltham Forest council sent noise officers to the church; they declared the volume was at a level of a statutory noise nuisance and so action had to be taken. The council denies there is any religious element in the order and it is simply following up on a complaint about noise. When mediation failed, the noise abatement notice had to be served ALLELUJAH! The church went to Waltham Forest magistrates’ court to appeal but lost the case, and so the Sunday services continue at a quieter level AMEN.

Image by Homemade from the Londonist Flickr pool