Writing poetry is a craft, a intricate working through of words, metre, timbre, tone, vision and feeling; your tools pen and paper, brain and voice. A smattering of talent can help. But not everyone's cut out for poetic greatness so the Poetry Society had a lightbulb moment when they came up with their big idea to celebrate their centenery this autumn. Anyone can be part of the poem crafting process by knitting or crocheting an individual letter of an as yet undisclosed poem that will be stitched together from all its constituent contributions and revealed on the suitably auspicious National Poetry Day on 8th October. Get moving though, knitty types, and apply for your pack as the deadline for submitting your squares is 14 September. Get support and encouragement at Stitch and Bitch London.
xHelp Craft A Giant Knitted Poem
Last Updated 28 August 2009
Help Craft A Giant Knitted Poem