New Digs for the Irish Club

By tikichris Last edited 190 months ago

Last Updated 29 April 2009

New Digs for the Irish Club

The Irish Club You know you’ve been in London too long when the kind act of some random stranger approaching you for a friendly conversation gets all your hackles up and your pants in a knot. Luckily, there are plenty of gab-garious Irish folk in town to melt our Londoner reserve. We met a bunch of ‘em at the recent re-opening of the Irish Club at its new Blackfriars digs. Swank digs too - all 5000 square feet! Perfect for networking, getting work done the City, enjoying a bowl of Irish stew … stuff like that.

Check their site to learn more. And if you’re contemplating signing up to the club, all ya gotta do to join is be Irish by birth or descent (or the spouse of someone who is) and submit your application to be approved by the club’s council. Comprised of distinguished peeps such as Liam Neeson and Seamus Heaney.

The Irish Club is located at 2-4 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AA.