G20 Demos Start Early As Security Steps Up

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 31 March 2009

G20 Demos Start Early As Security Steps Up

BigBen_protest.jpg G20 protests started a day early with elevenses at the Bank of England this morning. With the bulk of protests expected tomorrow, security is beginning to ramp up across London. Police have told people living near ExCel to carry two forms of ID, one with a photo, to allow them through roadblocks and into their homes - something which, according to Liberty, they don't have the legal authority to do. Ho hum. Be warned if you want to use Royal Victoria, Custom House or Prince Regent DLR stations on Thursday, cos they're being closed all day for the summit. And it probably goes without saying, but there'll be massive disruption on the roads tomorrow, particularly around the Bank, the four mainline stations that are the start points for the Meltdown march, and Bishopsgate (which may, or may not, be where Climate Camp ends up, but RBS has its headquarters there). Parts of the West End will also be closed for the Stop the War March. (Image / racheblue)
