Free This Afternoon?

By Lindsey Last edited 192 months ago

Last Updated 28 February 2009

Free This Afternoon?

dirtydicks.jpg A group of Londonist contributors and friends will be out creating another Alternative Pub Crawl. With the whiff of Valentine's Day still lingering behind us and a generally pervy bent of mind, we are creating the fairly phallocentric Rude and Lewd Pub Crawl. Starting at 3pm at The Albert for its etchings we move on over to Notting Hilll's Cock and Bottle for 4.30pm. Then it's The Cock Tavern, Great Portland Street at 6.30pm, The Ring on Blackfriars Road by 7.30pm, climaxing at Dirty Dicks round 9pm. We'll be tweeting as we go and maybe even attempting a touch of tiddly turned on (?) liveblogging. Any efforts to bring lady bits into the proceedings would be much appreciated although suggestions to incorporate an Elusive Camel (toe) have yet to be taken seriously. (Image / @l&q)