Boris Johnson Chews The Cud At Davos With The Mayor Of Buenos Aires And A Long Tie
Seems fair to us, we think that providing out-sized bonuses right now is the wrong signal to send during this economic climate - even when many of the bonuses are contractually-obliged.
The Mayor went further, calling the bonuses a 'disgrace', which we can only imagine him uttering with an energetic splutter of indignation.
Now - which charities do you reckon Boris signposted for the bankers to post their cheques to?:
a) Local charities in their area, whose donations are plummeting?
b) Perhaps to those community-based groups that focus on poverty alleviation?
c) How about soup kitchens - vital during this cold snap?
d) Or... The Mayor's Fund For London, which he has just set up?
Answers on a Woolworths Pick 'n' Mix bag, please.
Picture from Mauricio M.'s Flickrstream under the Creative Commons License