Notting Hill Carnival In Numbers

Adam MacLean
By Adam MacLean Last edited 198 months ago

Last Updated 26 August 2008

Notting Hill Carnival In Numbers

If you live or work in the Ladbroke Grove area, this morning will have found you gazing upon a grizzly post-apocalyptic wasteland. If you dropped a Red Stripe brewery from a plane onto a sewage processing unit, this is what the aftermath would look like. In the face of such a sensory assault, it can be helpful to reduce the problem to simple, comforting statistics:

  • 100 tonnes of rubbish needs removing, enough to fill two Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • 140 cleaners, using 40 vehicles, have been employed to clean up the sorry mess, enough to fill three double-decker buses with cleaners.
  • 24 streets in the area will have rubbish removed from their front gardens by 40 Olympic-sized cleaners.
  • 750,000 attended the weekend’s festivities, enough to sprinkle 24 gardens with the water contained within two Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • 300 properties were cleaned by Westminster City Council last year, a number one reader described as “enough”.
  • Statistics sort-of-courtesy of the ever-reliable BBC, and thanks to Dave Knapik for the photo.