Landmarks 'Falling off Maps'

By Matt_Crossick Last edited 196 months ago

Last Updated 29 August 2008

Landmarks 'Falling off Maps'

Bubble-wrap your A-Z, Londoners: traditional maps of its ilk are on their way out, being stampeded over by new-fangled mapping technologies like Google Maps. And what's worse, new electronic maps are missing off London's historic landmarks.

The president of the Royal Cartographic Society, Mary Spence, has spoken out about the lack of detail services such as Google Maps offer beyond roads – and Spence claims that by not marking landmarks such as museums and churches by default, we run the risk of forgetting about them altogether.

While London may be a while away from forgetting that St Paul's is there, anyone who has tried to use Google Maps on a mobile (They don't show stations! Why don't they show stations?) will surely sympathise. Londonist, however, advocates choosing the best of both worlds. Check out some of our customised Google Maps here (or make your own: it's truly brilliant!); and stick the trusty old A-Z in your pocket when you leave your front door.

Image courtesy of Google Maps