Bid For Weekend West End Stardom

By Lindsey Last edited 197 months ago

Last Updated 09 July 2008

Bid For Weekend West End Stardom

Aspirant West End stars, listen up - this weekend is your last opportunity to gatecrash the Big Time, X-Factor style, and audition for a part in the Showtime Challenge production of 1930s cockney musical Me and My Girl to be performed at the London Palladium on 26 October.

If you've been keeping your Lloyd Webber compilation albums under your bed all these years and restricting your big solo to the bath then gird your loins, take a deep breath and register for the auditions now.

Anyone can have a go but you will be required to sing, dance and act and a whole range of parts and chorus are available. Also, you'll need big balls, guts and serious commitment - the show will be put together in a mere 48 hours. This is madness, one might say, but all in the spirit of showbiz chutzpah and break a leg gungho-ness. Also, all in aid of the Anthony Nolan Trust which runs the UK's most successful bone marrow register.

We're off to practice the Lambeth Walk and tune up to The Sun Has Got His Hat On whilst Leaning on a Lamppost. This is a classic London musical, a crazy scheme and an entertaining fundraiser to boot, which might just give you the West End break you're seeking.