The London Festival of Architecture is throwing up some wonderfully wildcard events but two talks at the London Transport Museum get down to more immediately relevant issues, looking at sustainable urban development.
Tomorrow, Malcolm Smith, Design Director at Arup's Integrated Urbanism Unit reveals his pioneering work on Chinese eco-city Dongtan near Shanghai, which will run entirely on renewable energy and aims to be car free, zero emmission and totally recycling by 2050.
Then on Monday, fashionista Wayne Hemingway of Red or Dead fame, will talk about his passion for well designed, affordable homes under the title "Building for the Future".
It's also a good excuse to go and check out the Museum, if you haven't already since it reopened, and the Upper Deck Cafe is open for your ruminations over a drink after, till 21.30.
Both talks start at 19.30 and last an hour. Tickets are £10. But we've got a pair of tickets to giveaway for both, courtesy of the London Transport Museum. Simply enter your details below and we'll draw 2 winners tomorrow at midday and email the lucky readers. Please indicate which talk you would like to attend.