Go Team London Bridge

By Lindsey Last edited 198 months ago

Last Updated 29 July 2008

Go Team London Bridge

In the quest for local kudos, organisational dynamism and staff motivation making humdrum local business improvement initiatives sound sexy is all important. The London Bridge Business Improvement District Company decided they had a crap name so, inspired by the spirit and energy of amusing films by the makers of South Park and general corporate Americanisms they've rebranded as Team London Bridge.

It's enough to make you do some athletic cheerleading. Go team!

The new and more exciting Team London Bridge joins the alliteratively alluring Better Bankside, the formal grammar eschewing inholborn and the space eschewing HammersmithLondon on the side of trendy BID company names, leaving the likes of Angel Town Centre and Hainault Business Park BID sounding like positive bores.

However, whether they zing off the tongue or not, these independent, business-led companies have a common interest in improving their local areas, particularly in terms of cleaning, greening and safety which is fab, if not ultra sexy, and we now know who to thank for the excellent hanging baskets round our manor.

Image courtesy of wallyg via the Londonist Flickrpool.