Londonist Live: Radiohead @ Victoria Park

By Lindsey Last edited 199 months ago

Last Updated 25 June 2008

Londonist Live: Radiohead @ Victoria Park

Although Bat For Lashes cut out mid-set - whoops - Radiohead were always going to be awesome. Thankfully, crew were on hand to fix the temporary blow out that left Victoria Park rather stunned, mid organic sausage and paper pint Carling, and Radiohead rocked on stage only a little late and dazzled E9.

Kicking off with a stretch of In Rainbows (Bodysnatchers is unstoppably funky and everyone adores Nude, even though Skins tried to ruin it) they drew on Hail To The Thief (although, what did they do to The Gloaming?) and dipped into barnstorming favourites from Kid A (Everything In It's Right Place and The National Anthem) with a little Airbag on the side and a rousing Just. The set list was an eccentric mix but the sound was amazing wherever you were and the ecologically friendly light show was illuminated-tubular-bell-tastic. In a generous encore, a bitchin' Bangers and Mash saw Thom York take to the drums and they played out with a mentalist Idioteque ricocheting round the park.

If you're under 5 ft 7, though, you're going to have viewing issues. Victoria Park is flat. Unless you're one of the lucky 2000-odd who pitch up at the front bit when the doors open and stay the course, magically not needing to move for 4 and half hours, you're relying on the video screens and pretty lights (see photo). On this night, the atmosphere two thirds back was lacking, despite our best efforts at dancing our tits off.

Tonight, we'd recommend getting there early. Be strategic, either up front or step way back for perspective. Top tip: a tower of paper pint cups is an excellent marker to wave in the air when your mates go to the lav and then can't find their way back.

Radiohead play Victoria Park, E9 again tonight. Doors 4pm, Bat for Lashes 6.45pm, Radiohead on stage 8.15pm, curfew 10.30pm. It's sold out but there were plenty of tickets changing hands at the gate at face value or less last night.

Image courtesy of wonker who got down the front. more pictures here.