Comedy/Music Preview: Resonance FM Benefit Gig

By london_chrisc Last edited 192 months ago

Last Updated 16 May 2008

Comedy/Music Preview: Resonance FM Benefit Gig

Resonance FM are putting on a days worth of fund-raising this Sunday at the Arts Theatre, near Leicester Square, with afternoon comedy and evening music. Londonist's favourite radio station is always in need of funds, and is run almost exclusively by volunteers, so we'll be going to support the charity just as much as we'll be going to see the acts.

In there afternoon, there's a comedy gig with a very strong bill of alternative joy, including Stewart Lee, Richard Herring, Dan Antopolski and Tony Law. All in one place, for a tenner. It's hard to think of a better hangover cure. Well, except drugs, or medicine, or more alcohol. It's not clear whether Rich and Stew are performing together or separately, but either way, it's a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Then in the evening, there's an evening of music with singer-songwriter Robyn Hitchcock, hip-hop experimentalists Kiss Akabusi, sound artist Aleksander Kolkowski, and dark techno poets Mankind, a band with the 2nd least Googleable name in the history of music. Nevertheless, it all sounds like a fantastic night of artistic joy.

Each show is a tenner, or £20 for both. Can't say fairer than that.

The Resonance Benefits are at The Arts Theatre, 6-7 Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JB. The comedy matinee is at 2.00pm (tickets here), the evening music is at 7.30pm (tickets here). Or, call for tickets to either on 0844 847 1608. £10 per show.