For those who enjoy a live action, internet phenomenon, pop music, spam in your train station mash-up of brain-scrambling proportions, keep 6pm tomorrow night free. For this is the scheduled time for... Rickmob!
What is Rickmob? First of all, you need to know Rick Astley. There is the hideous likelihood that some of our readers were born *after* Mr Astley's pop chart star had faded in the 1990s, so find out more about the boyish crooner here. Then you need to know the bizarre but sometimes hilarious phenomenon of Rickrolling on the internet. And then refresh your knowledge about flashmobs and the variations upon a meme.
And then you need to imagine all those elements colliding on the concourse of Liverpool Street station on Friday 11 April at 6pm. That's right: an entire train station is going to be rickrolled. Makes your eyes water, though that could be the effects of the high note in the first verse.
Bring a camera, bring a detachable quiff, bring the lyrics so you don't have to embarrass yourself or the dedicated Rickrollers by humming through the verses and only singing out loud when the song gets to the chorus... Get down there and share the love: it's not rock and roll, it's Rickroll.
Image by woshiguilao from the Londonist Flickr pool