There's A New Scourge In Town

By londonist_mark Last edited 204 months ago

Last Updated 14 February 2008

There's A New Scourge In Town

Hoodies to the left of us, police marksmen to the right, here we are stuck in the middle with... hmm, an angry Chelsea Pensioner. Or at least a pensioner from Chelsea, one Eric Williams, recently jailed for four months for attacking a couple of car salesmen.

Now there are some who might say that attacking car salesmen could be considered a civic duty, but threatening to slice off someone's testicles... over a long-running tax disc dispute, c'mon. And what the hell's a long-running tax dispute when it's at home anyway?

Old Eric's a bit of a bad boy it seems, been in trouble with the law before (racially aggravated harassment and assaulting a police officer) he started throwing chairs at Mercs and emasculating those who cross him. So you can only imagine the note of gravitas in Judge Susan Williams' voice when she pronounced sentence:

It is very sad to see a man of your age who continues to offend as often as you do.

The courts have given you one chance after another to see if you can stop getting into trouble. It hasn't worked.

Image from mike 77's Flickr photostream