Welcome to Versus, where Londonist takes like for like and decides which one is more likeable.
This, our first, VERSUS post pits two Upper Street bean slingers against each other in a no holds barred Lucha Libre fight to the death. In one corner, we have Mucho Mas (27 Upper Street N1 N1 9LQ). In the other, Tortilla (13 Upper Street N1 0PN). Both serve short and incredibly identical lists of efficiently assembled burritos and tacos. The food’s not necessarily bad at either place, just bland (the exact quality that even remotely decent Mexican food is not). We hope the kind folks at Daddy Donkey will forgive us for straying in the name of foodie journalism.
And the winner is … oh who cares? We all know who isn’t crying victory: diners with discerning taste buds.